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Countdown to Graduation - Gift Ideas


One of my best ideas to come out of Covid was the Graduation Countdown. I had a covid senior. The entire country was looking for ways to make these graduation memorable. Because there was no anticipation to the big day; No Senior Ditch Day.... No Senior Theme Park Day.... No Yearbook Signing... Nothing to garnish some excitement, I came up with the Graduation Countdown. For the 12 days before graduation, I set out a gift with a cute countdown tag. Some were things we would likely buy for college, some were items of memorabilia, and the like. I was a fun way to add some excitement to her actual graduation day. Here's a few pics from that first graduation countdown from 4 years ago.

I have several countdowns in my shop which include, tags that have a gift idea printed on it, along with blank cards - so you can write in what your gift is. You can also get a custom set to match your Grad's school colors.

Here's a list of ideas to help you Countdown to Graduation.

For a classic look, try this Gold and Black Set.

Or my favorite, bright Floral Set.

Also in my shop are:

Party Prints

Gift Card Holders

Toolset Tags

Care Package

Digital Cookbook

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