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HoCo flashback to 2019 - the BEST!


When Homecoming rolls around, I can't help look back at the life-changing HoCo of 2019. My daughter was a senior and this is her story.

First, the ask...

"Paige asked a friend to homecoming. She was nervous and excited ... and she can't wait to go with Ryan. I wished I had filmed for 10 seconds longer because his next line was 'dreams really do come true.' ahhh. Ryan likes skittles and twix so she had him follow the 'rainbow' to his 'pot of gold!' They are going to have so much fun together."

And the best part...

Next, The Day Date...

>> Cupcake Wars <<

This was a fun - inexpensive date idea. Paige needed an activity that Ryan would enjoy. This was perfect and everyone had fun.

The cupcakes were made up beforehand. But to make the date longer they could bake the cupcakes, watch a short show while they cool off, and then decorate them. I paid a cute little baker to make my frosting. Best decision ever!.

Telling them what to make proved a great idea. It's more fun to see how creative kids can be in a category and then to compare them.

The cupcakes were packaged and tagged for delivering.

My husband then drove them around in a limo to deliver the cupcakes to whomever they chose.

Dinner, Dance & Dessert...

Everyone got dolled up. We took some pictures and then they went off to dinner and the dance. After which, they came back to our house for ice cream sundaes. Hubby hauled them around to everything and totally enjoyed hearing the laughter coming from the back of the limo.

Now for the story behind the story. I wrote this post for a FB group when her senior year came to a screeching halt.

Let me introduce you to my 2020 Senior, Paige. Before this year’s prom (which was canceled) Paige had never been asked to a school dance. They would come and go as would the rejection. Her senior year Paige wanted to experience everything (ironic since covid cancelled a lot). When homecoming approached and Paige had not been asked to the dance, we had a conversation. I explained that she was in charge of her own happiness. If going to the dance would make her happy then she could ask someone even though it was a boys choice dance. I challenged her to think of a boy who was unlikely to be asked to dances and had probably felt the same pain she had. She decided to ask a schoolmate she knew only a little, Ryan. They shared one class her junior year. Paige branched out of the norm. She looked around at who she could make happy instead of waiting for someone else to make her happy.

Paige would tell you that her friendship with Ryan has been the highlight of her senior year. They get together weekly and play games for hours and hours. They laugh til they cry. Every minute with Ryan has enriched her life immeasurably. He has helped her see that making someone else happy is far more valuable than thinking about oneself. And the little bonus, Paige comes home from Ryan’s house in a better mood than before she left. Kindness does that to a person.

3 years later...

Paige is entering her last year of undergrad studies. She goes over to hangout with Ryan whenever she comes home for a break and they still have the best time together. Paige works part time with special needs kids in the after-high program where she lives. She couldn't be happier doing that. Homecoming of 2019 has very much shaped her life for the better.

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