Asking someone to a school dance can be so fun and ... sometimes a little overwhelming. It doesn't need to be complicated or expensive. {Come back every day this week for a post with more details about asking, answerings, or day date ideas!}

Scroll through the pics below to see fun ways my kids have asked or been asked!
Here's some easy dance proposals and ideas of how to pull it off.
Grab a ready made pizza, print the tag and you're done. *TO MAKE IT MORE FUN... you can arrange the pizza toppings to say your name instead of putting it at the bottom of the sign. Or the pizza box could be empty with a clue inside that leads them on a little scavenger hunt to find the person asking who then has a pizza to share.
Make it easy with a prepackaged bag of flavored popcorn. Personally I like the whole thing to be a little more adventurous. *TO MAKE IT MORE FUN...fill up a huge trash bag of popcorn (sometimes movie theaters will give you their old popcorn). Cut up the letters of the name instead of putting it at the bottom of the sign. Add the letters to the bag of popcorn and mix them throughout. The recipient now has to dig through a ton of popcorn to find the letters. And good idea is to number the back of the letters so they get put in order. You could also add blank papers with numbers and no letters to make it even more challenging.
There are so many options with this. My personal favorite is chocolate dipped strawberries. Another idea would be a smoothie. This would be awesome to deliver to someone right after a school sports practice - in front of their teammates. *TO MAKE IT MORE FUN... you could get a berry flavored ice cream. Let it soften and remove from the carton. Type or write a small piece of paper with the askers name. Put it in a ziplock bag and then place it at the bottom of the carton. Replace the ice cream and refreeze.
Nothing beats a piñata (pun intended). Walmart has small piñatas that are perfect to accompany this sign. *TO MAKE IT MORE FUN... get a large piñata and fill it with all sorts of goodies - including the name of who's asking.